Opera lo zafferano
Curiosities about Saffron
The Properties of Saffron
Serotonin is an important neurotransmitter that contributes to the feeling of “happiness”. In fact it is also known as the “good mood hormone”. One of the lesser known properties of saffron is precisely that of promoting the increase in serotonin levels … This is possible thanks to the fact that saffron is rich in carotenoids and B vitamins, which have the particularity of helping the increased serotonin level.
Saffron is also attributed, by oriental tradition and by nutritionists, to slimming properties (reduces the sense of hunger), draining, detoxifying, calming, analgesic (especially of menstrual pain), aphrodisiac properties.

It’s not so expensive
Saffron is considered the most expensive spice in the world and in fact it is called “the red gold”. On the other hand, it can be grown only and all by hand. To obtain a kilogram of pistils, a minimum of 600 working days per year are required and an average of 160,000 flowers and 480,000 pistils. But on the other hand, with first-class saffron you need 7/8 pistils for each dose (person) and since in 1 gram of saffron there are on average 480 pistils, with 1 gram of pistils you can cook dishes for 60 people.
The cost per portion is thus reduced to 30/40 cents of euro cents. And saffron, if well packaged and preserved, maintains its organoleptic characteristics for many years.
On closer inspection, saffron is not that expensive!
Uses of Saffron
Always store saffron at room temperature, in a tightly closed jar and, above all, always in the dark. So it will keep for years, at least 4 years. But it has been shown that saffron, if well preserved, can be consumed even after 20 years.

How to preserve intact saffron for years
Always store saffron at room temperature, in a tightly closed jar and, above all, always in the dark. So it will keep for years, at least 4 years. But it has been shown that saffron, if well preserved, can be consumed even after 20 years.
Tips for culinary Uses
Prelevare dalla confezione con delle pinzette 30 pistilli ca. (per 4 persone) e immergerli in ca. 300 ml. di acqua tiepida (o latte nel caso di dolci).
Lasciarli a riposo per un tempo minimo di 2 e un massimo di 12 ore. Scolare i pistilli e lasciarli a riposo su un piano di marmo. Utilizzare i 300 ml di acqua (o latte) di scolo dei pistilli per cucinare la pietanza. Per non far cuocere e rovinare i pistilli, dopo averli sminuzzati con una mezzaluna, aggiungerli alla pietanza bollente solo gli ultimi 2 o 3 minuti di cottura, preoccupandosi di girare sempre la pietanza.

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+39 3337988609
Via Assisana 21 - 06024 Gubbio (PG)
OPERA LO ZAFFERANO è un Brand di proprietà di Essenze S.r.L., con sede legale a Gubbio, Via Assisana 21. Lo zafferaneto di Gubbio è ubicato in Via del Gelsomino, Località Mocaiana di Gubbio. Il laboratorio di Opera Lo Zafferano è ubicato in Via Tifernate di Gubbio